Teachers’ Linguistic Attitudes towards Linguistic Diversity in the Classroom


  • Aura Rosa Salazar Universidad Popular del Cesar
  • Alder Luis Pérez Seminário Diocesano Menor Nossa Senhora Mãe da Igreja


Ideology, school, language teaching, linguistic diversity, discrimination


The current article addresses the linguistic attitudes of teachers towards the linguistic varieties of students. The aims of this academic work are to analyze the linguistic attitudes of language teachers in Valledupar (Colombia) and to reflect on the importance of these attitudes in language teaching. In terms of methodology, the approach adopted was qualitative one focused on the critical analysis of 45 speeches of practicing language teachers, who were given a semi-structured interview. The results confirm the findings in other contexts and raise the need to seek new routes in teacher training; especially now that the recognition and appreciation of diversity is a social, historical, and governmental requirement. In conclusion, it turned out that the ideology of the standard language prevails among teachers, for which the majority negatively values the varieties of their students, assumes variation as a problem in the classroom and considers that students use poor or not very complex linguistic varieties due to the sociocultural groups to which they belong.

Author Biographies

Aura Rosa Salazar, Universidad Popular del Cesar

Licenciada en Lengua Castellana de la Universidad de Córdoba y Magister en Investigación Social Interdisciplinaria de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Docente ocasional de tiempo completo en la Universidad Popular del Cesar e investigadora del grupo de investigación GIELEHLA. Tutora del semillero de investigación SOCIUP de la Universidad Popular del Cesar.

Alder Luis Pérez, Seminário Diocesano Menor Nossa Senhora Mãe da Igreja

Licenciado en Español y Literatura de la Universidad de Córdoba. Magister en Filología Hispánica del Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales de la Fundación Carolina. Doctor en Estudios Lingüísticos de la Universidad Estadual Paulista. Ha desarrollado diferentes investigaciones a partir del corpus PRESEEA de Valledupar y de Alcalá.



How to Cite

Salazar, A. R., & Pérez, A. L. (2023). Teachers’ Linguistic Attitudes towards Linguistic Diversity in the Classroom. Revista Signos. Estudios De Lingüística, 56(111). Retrieved from https://revistasignos.cl/index.php/signos/article/view/673


