Strategies and Challenges in the Designing of an Instrument for a Child Linguistic Assessment


  • Sofía Victoria Iacobuzio CIIPME- CONICET
  • María Luisa Silva Ciipme- CONICET FFyLetras, UBA
  • María Victoria Gasparini CIIPME- CONICET Fac. de Fil. y Letras, UBA
  • Yamila Rubbo CIIPME- CONICET Inst. de Lingüística -Fac. de Fil. y Letras, Univ. de Bs. As.


Sorytelling, retelling, stimuli, child assessment, psychological events


The design of a stimulus to elicit data in children involves several challenges, which combine not only theoretical and methodological dimensions, but also ethical ones. This paper develops the theoretical-methodological decisions and ethical options adopted in the design, development and testing of an activity designed to elicit linguistic production in Spanish-speaking children (5 to 14 years old) with a focus on populations with difficulties in the attribution of mental states (AMS). The methodological considerations that justified the decisions taken and a series of qualitative observations arising from the preliminary analysis of the data are presented. The activity designed seeks the elicitation of a narration from images and the retelling of a story from a linguistic stimulus. The activity format was specifically designed to elicit narratives that include psychological events. In its design and elaboration, methodological criteria were used that privileged both the particularities of the study phenomenon and the target population of the research —children with pragmatic difficulties in the AMS. The process of creating and designing the stimulus involved not only the adherence to a theoretical-methodological framework, but also the decision to introduce changes in the design based on review instances, such as the judgement of experts, the results of the piloting stage and the observations and suggestions of the participants. This synergy and flexibility resulted in the optimization of the stimulus conditions to elicit varied and complex aspects of the phenomenon under study.

Author Biographies

Sofía Victoria Iacobuzio, CIIPME- CONICET

Profesora y Licenciada en Letras por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Becaria interna doctoral del CIIPME-CONICET con un proyecto sobre desarrollo lingüístico en niños condición Asperger. Específicamente, estudia eventos construidos con verbos psicológicos que están relacionados con las emociones. Docente de Lengua y Literatura en nivel medio. Adscripta en FFy Letras (UBA).

María Luisa Silva, Ciipme- CONICET FFyLetras, UBA

Doctora en Psicología por la UNLP, Especialista en Planificación y Gestión de Proyectos I+D (CAEU-OEI), Especialista Principal en Procesos de Lectura y Escritura (UNESCO-FFyL, UBA). Investigadora en el CIIPME-CONICET en desarrollo del lenguaje infantil. Profesora Titular de la Universidad del Salvador. Profesora en la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Ha participado en proyectos de investigación de índole nacional e internacional sobre el desarrollo cognitivo y lingüístico  de niños . 

María Victoria Gasparini, CIIPME- CONICET Fac. de Fil. y Letras, UBA

Profesora de Nivel Primaria. Se desempeña como Técnico del Consejo de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas en el CIIPME-CONICET. Es autora de obras literarias y didácticas. Es guionista y realizadora de series audiovisuales infantiles

Yamila Rubbo, CIIPME- CONICET Inst. de Lingüística -Fac. de Fil. y Letras, Univ. de Bs. As.

Prof. en Letras de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (FFyL-UBA). Editora (FFyL-UBA).Becaria interna doctoral CONICET. Adscripta a proyectos de investigación. Autora de artículos y libros. 



How to Cite

Iacobuzio, S. V., Silva, M. L., Gasparini, M. V., & Rubbo, Y. (2022). Strategies and Challenges in the Designing of an Instrument for a Child Linguistic Assessment. Revista Signos. Estudios De Lingüística, 55(110). Retrieved from



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