Linguistic ideologies and themes in language columns (CSL)

tradition and evolution of Spanish in two columnists (Carnicer and Camps)




columns on language, discursive tradition, norm, use, pan-Hispanism policy, linguistic variation


The aim of this researchis to analyze the columns on language published (CSL) in the newspaper La Vanguardia and written by Ramón Carnicer, in the seventies, and Magí Camps, in the second decade of the 21st century. The CSLs are conceived as the product of a linguistic tradition, but, at the same time, they are an ideal instrument for observing the evolution of a language. The results show, on one hand, that both authors have the same linguistic interests and discuss the same issues of idiomatic correctness in their writings, although they are nearly fifty years apart. On the other hand, the columns are a reflect of a period and an excellent tool to study modern Spanish, in particular, the change in the conception of both norm and usage and the evolution towards a pan-Hispanic linguistic policy and respect for other varieties of Spanish or other languages.

Author Biography

M. Isabel Santamaría Pérez, Universidad de Alicante

Dra. M. Isabel Santamaría Pérez
Profesora Titular Lengua Española
Dpto. Filología Española, Lingüística General y Teoría de la Literatura 
Campus de San Vicente del Raspeig
Apdo. 99, E-03080 Alicante (España)



How to Cite

Santamaría Pérez, M. I. (2024). Linguistic ideologies and themes in language columns (CSL): tradition and evolution of Spanish in two columnists (Carnicer and Camps). Revista Signos. Estudios De Lingüística, 57(115), 523–545.


