Ethical Guidelines
Statements of Misconduct
Originality and plagiarism: Authors must ensure that everything they have written in their manuscript is completely original. If they have used parts of the work and/or words of other authors, they must ensure that they have been properly quoted or referenced.
Additionally, authors must not employ AI tools throughout the writing process of their manuscript to formulate ideas, these can only be used for editing purposes. If authors need to employ AI tools as part of their research, the following disclosure must be included:
During the preparation of this research, the author(s) used [NAME TOOL/SERVICE] in order to [REASON]. After using this tool/service, the author(s) reviewed and edited the content as needed and take(s) full responsibility for the content of the publication.
Finally, in order to prevent authors from committing plagiarism, the Similarity Check plagiarism detection system is used.
Data access and transparency: Authors may be compelled to provide the research data (including raw data for the review process) that supports their publication to comply with the Journal's open access policy. Furthermore, they should be prepared to grant public access to such data and to maintain such data for at least five years after the publication of the manuscript.
Multiple publications: Authors should not publish two or more manuscripts that describe the same research in the same manner, either in other languages or in more than one journal. This will be considered self-plagiarism.
Recognition of sources: Adequate recognition should be made of the sources that provided information for the research and manuscript.
Conflicts of interest: All manuscripts submitted to the Journal should explicitly inform the Editor in Chief of the Journal of any relationship that may be considered a potential conflict of interest.
Fundamental errors in published work: When an author/co-author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his or her own manuscript and it has already been published, he or she is obliged to immediately notify the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal and provide all information necessary to retract or correct the article.
Actions pursued in the event of malpractice: If malpractice is detected in published articles and the author/s refuses to provide a satisfactory solution, the article will be retracted from the Journal with an explanation on the first page. Moreover, the author/s institution's Ethics Committee will be formally notified.
Ethics, Consent, and Informed Assent Committee
In the case of research involving individuals, authors must include all associated information in the methodology section. Moreover, authors must explicitly state they have the approval of the Ethics Committee of their institution along with the following disclosure:
The study protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of [NAME] University, with the approval number [NUMBER].
Furthermore, authors must obtain the signed informed consent and/or assent form from the participants and/or their legal representatives/guardians and ensure that the rights of those participating in the study will be respected at all times.
These requirements also apply to participants of all ages.
The inclusion of images, videos, or audio involving minors will not be accepted, unless the authors can prove that they are necessary for the comprehension of the investigation and have the corresponding authorization documents. The images, videos, and audio should be edited to ensure and protect the privacy of the people who appear in them.
The manuscripts that do not follow these requirements will not be sent for peer review.
Conflicts of Interest
In case of conflicts of interest, the author/s must declare it at the time of submitting the manuscript in the Letter of Originality—that the authors must send to the Editor in Chief.
If there is any undeclared conflict of interest during the evaluation process, the author/s will be contacted for clarification. If the explanation is unsatisfactory, the manuscript will be removed from the evaluation, editing, and editorial planning process.
In the event of a conflict of interest in a published research, the article will be retracted from the Journal and an explanation of this decision will be included on the first page. In addition, the Ethics Committee of the author/s' institution will be formally notified.
About Authorship
Following the standards and norms established by the Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE), an author is considered to be one who has actively participated in the research and has taken an active part in the writing of the submitted manuscript. The first author is considered to be the person who made the most significant contribution to the manuscript.
Those who have made a relevant contribution to the development of the research, such as the provision of data, and correction of the academic style of the article, among others, may be listed in the acknowledgments section of the article.
How to Register a Complaint
In order to make a complaint to Revista Signos. Estudios de Lingüística, you should write directly to the Editor-in-Chief at
Once the information has been received, the Editor-in-Chief will seek to clarify the situation with the Editorial Team or Disciplinary Editors evaluating each case individually. The final decision is non-appealable and will be informed to the authors by email.
In general terms, Revista Signos. Estudios de Lingüística adheres to the guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). For further information, please visit